Jan 27, 2009

7 Months

Benaiah is doing very well! We wanted to call the baby Ben although is seems like Pat and I have been calling him Niah and Baby B. Those might just be his baby nick names. His full name will be Benaiah ( Ben-iah) David Walter which means Built by God Beloved Warrior. He has been living up to his name so far. lol.

He sleeps every 40 min and is very active imbetween. I usually can tell where he is and what he is doing which is very strange. He is starting to respond to touch and is very good at responding to noise. This morning Pat was tickeling his tummy and tapping him and Ben would tap back. He loves to try and squish himself on one side of my belly so one half of it is almost flat and the other is a big bulg of baby. My belly almost always looks deformed.

I am getting very anxious for my due date but I know it will come faster than I expect. I am so thankful for all my friends and family for all the advice they have given me so far. I definatly feel prepared for the little one!