Jul 29, 2008

An exerpt of an article I wrote on Truth.

Jesus said this in John 18 “for this reason I was born and for this reason I came into the earth, to testify to the Truth and all who are on the side of Truth listen to me.” Now this is a staggering state by Jesus, it should cause us to pause and think about this. Jesus who is on trial before Pilate, He has already been condemned by the Jews as fit for death and now they are seeking crucifixion. So He stands before Pilate and there is a large crowd yelling in the background, a mob of unhappy people who are crying out for blood to be shed. And Pilate is apprehensive, he wants to please the people but his wife has warned him that this Jesus is no ordinary man. So he is speaking to Jesus about kingship, and asks if He is a king, and Jesus asks if someone told Pilate about Him. And Pilate retorts am I a Jew? Your people want you dead, and then the conversation turns from being king to who He is the king of, the Jews or some other people. So Pilate says “you are a king then” and Jesus acknowledges the fact He is a king but of whom He is king of is profound. He does not say He is king of the Jews but of a kingdom not seen by man, a higher reality than Pilate even knows of. Then Jesus makes the statement found above, He tells Pilate why He is here; to testify to the Truth and all who are on the side of Truth know my voice. To testify is to say that the Truth is itself is on trial that Truth is being accused and being sentenced. So Jesus (who is the Truth, who is full of Truth, and testifies on truth’s behalf) stands on trial not just for His life but everything He represents, the Truth of God verse the lies of Satan himself. Then comes the response of Pilate, “what is Truth?” and he walks away. Pilate turned his back on the very question we have turned our back on. The truth is still on trial to this very day, we are still asking the same question “what is truth?” and turning our back on the very thing Jesus is. And for all the Christians who define Truth as Jesus have no true comprehension of what the Truth really is. To say Jesus is Truth is almost a copout, it is in fact a true statement but with little depth. I only say that because that is an unfair statement to say to someone who does not know Jesus, who defines truth as relative, and the there are no absolutes. They say there is no truth and we say with a scoff that Jesus IS the Truth. But to them that statement has no depth and we then viewed to have no mind and no understanding of what the truth is, it is as if we have a default response because we don’t even know the real answer. We must know what the Truth is, what it is that Jesus came in this world to testify to.Let’s begin with Webster’s dictionary; truth: 1) sincerity in action, character, and utterance 2a) the state of being the case or fact. 2b) a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality. 3) The property (as of a statement) of being in accord with factor reality. Dictionary.com put it like this; the truth or actual state of a matter: conformity with fact or reality: a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: the state or character of being true: actuality or actual existence: ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience. Wikipedia.org went as far as to say “The term (truth) has no single definition about which the majority of professional philosophers and scholars agree. Various theories of truth continue to be debated. There are differing claims on such questions as what constitutes truth; how to define and identify truth; the roles that revealed and acquired knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective, relative, objective, or absolute.” It sounds to me like humanity and our society is right back where Pilate was, where the Romans and Greeks left off in there philosophical understanding. Without bring god into the equation we cannot define or agree on what truth is, if it is absolute, or even knowable. Each person in history who has attempted to define truth out side of a god has failed, so it is easier to say it is not knowable and relative than to confess that truth is only knowable through God. There is one thing that I did notice from the definitions that all, including Wikipedia (later on in the article) did refer to; and that is reality and transcending. Basically a transcending reality or shall I dare to say “ultimate reality”? This is where we find the true meaning of truth. Os Guinness said it like this “Truth is ultimate reality as seen by God”. This is why we have such a hard time not only defining it but understanding it outside of the Creator of it. This is what Jesus was testifying to, that the reality of His kingdom of His Father, of His Way, of His life is beyond what we see and hear now. That is why we are washed by the truth, sanctified by the truth, his Spirit is Truth, and we are to grow in the truth, obey the truth, and love the truth. This is also how we are set free, set free from the lies of Satan. Just look at the very first sin, it was really deception. God said “do not eat of the tree or you will die” this is the Truth God spoke. Then we see Satan speaking to Eve and said “you surely will not die” a truth claim or lie. She believed a lie to be true, and acted on the lie rather than the Truth (ultimate reality as seen or dictated by God who is Truth). This has been the battle throughout eternity, the truth of God or the truth claim (lies) of Satan. Jesus even went as far to say that the Devil is the father of all lies and that all he speaks is lies it is his native language. This battle is the one we as believers face as well as those who do not Jesus as Lord, the things that hold us back from freedom, love, and peace is that we are living according to lies not the truth. That is why we are to be in the Word of God his truth, so as we understand how His ultimate reality works and we start living in it and become free. That is why Truth is absolute, because it is based on an unchanging God whose reality, understanding, and ways transcend our understanding and reality. We are called to live according to His reality by faith that is why faith is the currency in His Kingdom. We operate in his reality, not ours based on what we know of Him. So in order to say that Truth is unknowable and relative does not work in any reality. Take this statement into consideration: “There is no absolute truth” is in fact an absolute statement thus nullifying itself, and truth is knowable the question is will you accept it.