Aug 1, 2008

Going to get it. The life of Tessa. (my dog)

There I was, lay on the end of my couch gazing into the distance when I saw it. It zipped right by my face and almost made me fall off the couch. At that moment I decided I was going to get it, this fly is mine. Every time it stopped I fixed my eyes on it, focused and slowly attempted to sneak up on it. Just as I approached and was ready to launch into action and destroy the pest that ruined my lazy gazing, my master calls. He yells at me "Tessa, come" and breaks my concentration, only for a mere "did you chew this" of course I didn't I say with the most sincere puppy look of confusion. As my master is speaking the pest zips by again. No more waiting I decided I must get it, so I chase it and chase it, nipping at its wings. My concentration is at an all time high, I am zeroed in. The opportunity is now just jump I say, I pounce from the floor to the couch, then from the couch to the air! I got it, the fly is mine! And as I begin to descend with victory in mouth I realize I am headed for a crash landing into the screen door. As the whack takes place and my master come to check on me I attempt to take it in stride and show my prize of the dead fly. He sees it and says good girl, with a pat on the head, and tells me "way to concentrate". And I cock my head not understanding anything he said and went back to laying on the couch awaiting my next battle.