Dec 9, 2008

5 months!

The walter family is doing very well! I am 5 months along now,half way! Baby likes to kick mommy and do summer saults. The baby moves more when there is music on or when I am relaxing. We had our 5 month ultrasound. The doctor couldn't see what it is because the cord was in the way. The baby is laying very low so it was hard for the doctor to see the baby's legs. We finally got baby to move up a little but he wouldn't let us see. The doctor said if she had to guess what it is,she would guess a boy. So now we are really up in the air on wheither it is a boy or a girl. We will find out at our 6 month appt. Our church family has been blessing us with swings,carseats ext. I definatly will be blessed when the baby is born.